Finding Strength in Faith: A Journey of Gratitude and Resilience

It's been a hot minute since I've reached out to everyone. Sometimes life just does its thing. And let me tell you, has it been doing its thing to me!

The past several months have been a rollercoaster, to say the least. I've been through some heavy stuff – family illness, sudden losses, you name it. But you know what got me through? My faith. It's been my rock.

I've got to share some things that I'm extremely thankful for:

* A superhero heart surgeon who worked the impossible on a loved one.

* An orthopedic genius who helped another family member dance out of pain and into mobility.

* The chance to keep teaching and inspiring my community college students.

* Friends who swooped in just when I needed them most.

* My clients who've been angels, super understanding about rescheduling sessions.

* And my Heavenly Father, who's had my back even when I had my doubts.

I bet you've had your fair share of hurdles too.

Through all the chaos, my passion for coaching hasn't wavered.

I'm still here for you, ready to help you chase down a better job, cultivate a calmer mind, whatever you need.

If you are thinking about changing jobs and are at a crossroads, I invite you to check out my resource, Graceful Transitions. Get your copy at

So tell me, how can I lend a hand in 2024? Please message me at and let me know.

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